Pest Identification

Find out how to identify your pest problem and choose the best biological control solutions.

Effective pest control starts with accurate identification. Different pests require different biological control methods, so recognising the pest affecting your plants is crucial.

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Pest Identification Biological Control Solutions
Aphids (Greenfly, Blackfly) - Small, soft-bodied insects that cluster on plant stems and leaves.
- Green, black, red, yellow, or brown in colour.
- Excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mould.
- Aphidius colemani (parasitic wasp for smaller aphid species).
- Aphidius ervi (targets larger aphid species like the potato aphid).
- Adalia bipunctata (ladybird larvae and adults that feed on aphids).
- Chrysoperla carnea (lacewing larvae that feed on aphids).
Spider Mites (Two-Spotted Mite) - Very small, often red or yellow, visible as tiny moving dots.
- Leaves develop yellow speckling and fine webbing underneath.
- Common in hot, dry conditions.
- Phytoseiulus persimilis (fast-acting predatory mite).
- Amblyseius andersoni (thrives in variable conditions).
Thrips (Western Flower Thrips) - Small, slender insects (1-2mm) with a yellow to brown body.
- Leaves develop silver streaks and black faecal spots.
- Can transmit plant viruses.
- Amblyseius cucumeris (effective against thrips larvae).
- Orius laevigatus (feeds on adult thrips).
Whitefly (Greenhouse & Tobacco Whitefly) - Tiny white-winged insects that fly up when disturbed.
- Found on the undersides of leaves.
- Causes leaf yellowing and sticky honeydew, leading to mould growth.
- Encarsia formosa (parasitic wasp that controls whitefly).
- Eretmocerus eremicus (effective at higher temperatures).
Vine Weevil - Adults: 8-10mm black beetles that create notched leaf edges.
- Larvae: White, C-shaped grubs that feed on roots.
- A major pest in container plants and soft fruit crops.
- Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (effective nematode species).
Slugs & Snails - Large holes in leaves and stems, often with a slime trail.
- Common in damp, cool conditions.
- Can cause significant damage to young plants and leafy crops.
- Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita (nematodes that attack slugs in the soil).

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